NDR GLOKAL ENTERPRISE which was created in the year 2012 is now the most integrated company in Malaysia dealing in the supply and sales of Scraps, Mines, Metallurgy & Woods.
Our valued buyers are our true competitive advantage. They are the architects of our future, transforming our culture into a unifying force for our global businesses.
Applied consistently across product, geography and functional boundaries, it is this culture that elevates our capabilities into strengths, enabling us to develop new products and to grow and serve in new regions.
At the heart of our drive for success are our values, the tangible expression of our corporate culture and the foundation of our shared philosophy.
NDR GLOKAL ENTERPRISE has developed a clear strategy to determine its supply course, so that meets its objectives for economic, social and environmental sustainability. Guided by our company’s strategy, our supply focus is not only on distribution, but extends to investments in supply, storage and handling, so that greater efficiency can be developed in delivery systems and security of supplies for all potential customers. Our strategy focuses on nine product categories at the moment: Electronics Scrap, Metal Ingot, Metals Scrap, Motor Parts Scrap, Plastics Scrap, Precious Metals, Waste Paper Scrap & Woods.
Products Categories
Our products
Our mission & vision.
To offer excellent service in each of our professional disciplines, in accordance with statutory practices, codes of conduct and integrity, thereby developing our team and providing a leading platform from which to service the built environment and in particular, our valued Clients.
To grow our multi-disciplinary team in order to offer a broad spectrum of specialist Market consultancy, Export and analytics services to become our Clients’ preferred Professional Service Provider choice through excellence and efficiency in all aspects of product delivery.